Earth System Data Cube (ESDC) v3.0.1#
How to open this dataset in DeepESDL JupyterLab#
from import new_data_store
store = new_data_store("s3", root="deep-esdl-public", storage_options=dict(anon=True))
ds = store.open_data('esdc-8d-0.25deg-1x720x1440-3.0.1.zarr')
Bounding box map#
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.
Basic information#
Parameter | Value |
Bounding box longitude (°) | -180.0 to 180.0 |
Bounding box latitude (°) | -90.0 to 90.0 |
Time range | 1979-01-05 to 2021-12-31 |
Publisher | DeepESDL Team |
Click here for full dataset metadata.
Variable list#
Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.
Variable | Long name | Units |
aerosol_optical_thickness_550 | Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
air_temperature_2m | Mean Air Temperature at 2 m | °C |
bare_soil_evaporation | Bare Soil Evaporation | mm d^-1 |
burnt_area | Monthly Burnt Area | hectares |
cot | Cloud Optical Thickness | 1 |
cth | Cloud Top Height | km |
ctt | Cloud Top Temperature | K |
evaporation | Actual Evaporation | mm d^-1 |
evaporation_era5 | Evaporation | mm d^-1 |
evaporative_stress | Evaporative Stress | 1 |
gross_primary_productivity | Gross Primary Productivity | g C m^-2 d^-1 |
interception_loss | Interception Loss | mm d^-1 |
kndvi | Kernel Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | 1 |
latent_energy | Latent Energy | MJ m^-2 d^-1 |
max_air_temperature_2m | Maximum Air Temperature at 2 m | °C |
min_air_temperature_2m | Minimum Air Temperature at 2 m | °C |
nbar_blue | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 3 (blue) | 1 |
nbar_green | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 4 (green) | 1 |
nbar_nir | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 2 (NIR) | 1 |
nbar_red | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 1 (red) | 1 |
nbar_swir1 | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 5 (SWIR1) | 1 |
nbar_swir2 | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 6 (SWIR2) | 1 |
nbar_swir3 | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 7 (SWIR3) | 1 |
ndvi | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | 1 |
net_ecosystem_exchange | Net Ecosystem Exchange | g C m^-2 d^-1 |
net_radiation | Net Radiation | MJ m^-2 d^-1 |
nirv | Near Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation | 1 |
open_water_evaporation | Open-water Evaporation | mm d^-1 |
potential_evaporation | Potential Evaporation | mm d^-1 |
precipitation_era5 | Total Precipitation | mm d^-1 |
radiation_era5 | Surface Net Solar Radiation | J m^-2 |
root_moisture | Root-zone Soil Moisture | mm d^-1 |
sensible_heat | Sensible Heat | MJ m^-2 d^-1 |
sif_gome2_jj | Downscaled Daily Corrected Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at 740 nm | m W m^-2 sr^-1 nm^-1 |
sif_gome2_pk | Downscaled Daily Corrected Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at 740 nm | m W m^-2 sr^-1 nm^-1 |
sif_gosif | Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at 757 nm | W m^-2 sr^-1 um^-1 |
sif_rtsif | Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at 740 nm | m W m^-2 sr^-1 um^-1 |
sm | Volumetric Soil Moisture | m^3 m^-3 |
snow_sublimation | Snow Sublimation | mm d^-1 |
surface_moisture | Surface Soil Moisture | mm d^-1 |
terrestrial_ecosystem_respiration | Terrestrial Ecosystem Respiration | g C m^-2 d^-1 |
transpiration | Transpiration | mm d^-1 |
Full variable metadata#
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol_cci) |
date_modified | 2022-10-13 03:15:18.312024 |
description | ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol_cci): Level 3 aerosol products from AATSR (ensemble product), Version 2.6 |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | AOD550_mean |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Loading data using the cciodp xcube data store, Resampling by 8-day mean, Upsampling to 0.25 degrees using nearest neighbor |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2012-04-10T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2002-05-21T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1959 to present |
date_modified | 2022-11-04 15:41:36.233472 |
description | ERA5 Reanalysis Products |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Mean Air Temperature at 2 m |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | t2m |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Resampling by daily mean, Converting to °C from K, Resampling by 8-day mean, Resampling to 0.25 degrees using bilinear interpolation |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source |!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels |
standard_name | mean_air_temperature_2m |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-27T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1979-01-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | °C |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Bare Soil Evaporation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Eb |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | bare_soil_evaporation |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-13 14:55:35.002779 |
description | Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED) 4 Monthly Burnt Area |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Monthly Burnt Area |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | burnt_area |
original_scale_factor | 0.01 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Resampling by 8-day nearest neighbor |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | burnt_area |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2016-12-30T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1995-06-06T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | hectares |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (Cloud_cci) |
date_modified | 2022-11-04 13:33:18.450458 |
description | ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (Cloud_cci): MODIS-TERRA monthly gridded cloud properties, version 2.0 |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Cloud Optical Thickness |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | cot |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Loading data using the cciodp xcube data store, Resampling by 8-day nearest neighbor, Upsampling to 0.25 degrees using nearest neighbor |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_cloud |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2014-12-15T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-02-22T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (Cloud_cci) |
date_modified | 2022-11-04 13:33:18.450458 |
description | ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (Cloud_cci): MODIS-TERRA monthly gridded cloud properties, version 2.0 |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Cloud Top Height |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | cth |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Loading data using the cciodp xcube data store, Resampling by 8-day nearest neighbor, Upsampling to 0.25 degrees using nearest neighbor |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | cloud_top_altitude |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2014-12-15T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-02-22T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | km |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (Cloud_cci) |
date_modified | 2022-11-04 13:33:18.450458 |
description | ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (Cloud_cci): MODIS-TERRA monthly gridded cloud properties, version 2.0 |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Cloud Top Temperature |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | ctt |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Loading data using the cciodp xcube data store, Resampling by 8-day nearest neighbor, Upsampling to 0.25 degrees using nearest neighbor |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | air_temperature_at_cloud_top |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2014-12-15T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-02-22T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | K |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Actual Evaporation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | E |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | actual_evaporation |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1959 to present |
date_modified | 2022-11-04 15:41:36.233472 |
description | ERA5 Reanalysis Products |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Evaporation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | e |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Resampling by daily sum, Converting to mm from m, Resampling by 8-day mean, Resampling to 0.25 degrees using bilinear interpolation |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source |!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels |
standard_name | lwe_thickness_of_water_evaporation_amount |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-27T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1979-01-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Evaporative Stress |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | S |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | evaporative_stress |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | FLUXCOM |
date_modified | 2022-10-17 22:14:30.401506 |
description | FLUXCOM |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.87499928049999 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.8750000005 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87499856049996 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.8750000005 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Gross Primary Productivity |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | GPP |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | gross_primary_productivity_of_carbon |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2020-12-30T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2001-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | g C m^-2 d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Interception Loss |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Ei |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | interception_loss |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Kernel Normalized Difference Vegetation Index |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | kNDVI |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |,,, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source |, |
standard_name | kNDVI |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | FLUXCOM |
date_modified | 2022-10-17 22:14:30.401506 |
description | FLUXCOM |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.87499928049999 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.8750000005 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87499856049996 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.8750000005 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Latent Energy |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | LE |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | surface_upward_latent_heat_flux |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2020-12-30T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2001-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | MJ m^-2 d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1959 to present |
date_modified | 2022-11-04 15:41:36.233472 |
description | ERA5 Reanalysis Products |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Maximum Air Temperature at 2 m |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | t2m_max |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Resampling by daily max, Converting to °C from K, Resampling by 8-day max, Resampling to 0.25 degrees using bilinear interpolation |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source |!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels |
standard_name | max_air_temperature_2m |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-27T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1979-01-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | °C |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1959 to present |
date_modified | 2022-11-04 15:41:36.233472 |
description | ERA5 Reanalysis Products |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Minimum Air Temperature at 2 m |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | t2m_min |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Resampling by daily min, Converting to °C from K, Resampling by 8-day min, Resampling to 0.25 degrees using bilinear interpolation |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source |!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels |
standard_name | min_air_temperature_2m |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-27T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1979-01-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | °C |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
bandwidth | 20.0 |
bandwidth_units | nm |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 3 (blue) |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Nadir_Reflectance_Band3 |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | nadir_reflectance_band3 |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
wavelength | 469.0 |
wavelength_units | nm |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
bandwidth | 20.0 |
bandwidth_units | nm |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 4 (green) |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Nadir_Reflectance_Band4 |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | nadir_reflectance_band4 |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
wavelength | 555.0 |
wavelength_units | nm |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
bandwidth | 35.0 |
bandwidth_units | nm |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 2 (NIR) |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Nadir_Reflectance_Band2 |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | nadir_reflectance_band2 |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
wavelength | 858.5 |
wavelength_units | nm |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
bandwidth | 50.0 |
bandwidth_units | nm |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 1 (red) |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Nadir_Reflectance_Band1 |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | nadir_reflectance_band1 |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
wavelength | 645.0 |
wavelength_units | nm |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
bandwidth | 20.0 |
bandwidth_units | nm |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 5 (SWIR1) |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Nadir_Reflectance_Band5 |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | nadir_reflectance_band5 |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
wavelength | 1240.0 |
wavelength_units | nm |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
bandwidth | 24.0 |
bandwidth_units | nm |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 6 (SWIR2) |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Nadir_Reflectance_Band6 |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | nadir_reflectance_band6 |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
wavelength | 1640.0 |
wavelength_units | nm |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
bandwidth | 50.0 |
bandwidth_units | nm |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance of Band 7 (SWIR3) |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Nadir_Reflectance_Band7 |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | nadir_reflectance_band7 |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
wavelength | 2130.0 |
wavelength_units | nm |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | NDVI |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |,,, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source |, |
standard_name | NDVI |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | FLUXCOM |
date_modified | 2022-10-17 22:14:30.401506 |
description | FLUXCOM |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.87499928049999 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.8750000005 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87499856049996 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.8750000005 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Net Ecosystem Exchange |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | NEE |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | net_primary_productivity_of_carbon |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2020-12-30T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2001-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | g C m^-2 d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | FLUXCOM |
date_modified | 2022-10-17 22:14:30.401506 |
description | FLUXCOM |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.87499928049999 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.8750000005 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87499856049996 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.8750000005 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Net Radiation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Rn |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | surface_net_radiation_flux |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2020-12-30T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2001-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | MJ m^-2 d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 23:51:00.603768 |
description | MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG and Vegetation Indices |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87499999998977 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000008183 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Near Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | NIRv |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging hdf files, Computing NDVI, NIRv, and kNDVI, resampling by 8-day mean, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation, Masking water using GLEAM as reference |
project | DeepESDL |
references |,,, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source |, |
standard_name | NIRv |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | 1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Open-water Evaporation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Ew |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | open_water_evaporation |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Potential Evaporation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Ep |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | potential_evaporation |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1959 to present |
date_modified | 2022-11-04 15:41:36.233472 |
description | ERA5 Reanalysis Products |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Total Precipitation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | tp |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Resampling by daily sum, Converting to mm from m, Resampling by 8-day mean, Resampling to 0.25 degrees using bilinear interpolation |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source |!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels |
standard_name | total_precipitation |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-27T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1979-01-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1959 to present |
date_modified | 2022-11-04 15:41:36.233472 |
description | ERA5 Reanalysis Products |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Surface Net Solar Radiation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | ssr |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Resampling by daily mean, Resampling by 8-day mean, Resampling to 0.25 degrees using bilinear interpolation |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source |!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels |
standard_name | surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-27T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1979-01-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | J m^-2 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Root-zone Soil Moisture |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | SMroot |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | root_zone_soil_moisture |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | FLUXCOM |
date_modified | 2022-10-17 22:14:30.401506 |
description | FLUXCOM |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.87499928049999 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.8750000005 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87499856049996 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.8750000005 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Sensible Heat |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | H |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2020-12-30T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2001-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | MJ m^-2 d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 22:36:53.583022 |
description | Spatially Downscaled Sun-Induced Fluorescence (JJ Method) |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000000003 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Downscaled Daily Corrected Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at 740 nm |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | SIF |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 9.0 |
source | |
standard_name | sif |
temporal_resolution | 16D |
time_coverage_end | 2018-10-04T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2007-01-21T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | m W m^-2 sr^-1 nm^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 22:43:08.258033 |
description | Spatially Downscaled Sun-Induced Fluorescence (PK Method) |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000000003 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Downscaled Daily Corrected Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at 740 nm |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | SIF |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean, Interpolating NA with linear interpolation |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 9.0 |
source | |
standard_name | sif |
temporal_resolution | 16D |
time_coverage_end | 2018-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2007-01-21T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | m W m^-2 sr^-1 nm^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 22:20:05.841847 |
description | GOSIF Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Derived from OCO-2, MODIS, and Reanalysis Data |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.87499999999999 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87500000000001 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000000003 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at 757 nm |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | sif |
original_scale_factor | 0.0001 |
processing_steps | Merging tif files, Converting water bodies and snow covered areas to NaN, Applying original scale factor, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | sif |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2000-03-01T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | W m^-2 sr^-1 um^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-12 14:26:02.972963 |
description | Long-term Reconstructed TROPOMI Solar-Induced Fluorescence (RTSIF) |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.87499999999999 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.87500000000001 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87500000000003 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.87499999999997 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at 740 nm |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | sif |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging tif files, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references | |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | sif |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2020-12-30T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2001-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | m W m^-2 sr^-1 um^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | ESA Soil Moisture Climate Change Initiative (Soil_Moisture_cci) |
date_modified | 2022-10-13 20:42:41.277132 |
description | ESA Soil Moisture Climate Change Initiative (Soil_Moisture_cci): COMBINED product, Version 06.1 |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Volumetric Soil Moisture |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | sm |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |,, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | volumetric_soil_moisture |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2020-12-30T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1979-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | m^3 m^-3 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Snow Sublimation |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Es |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | snow_sublimation |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Surface Soil Moisture |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | SMsurf |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | surface_soil_moisture |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | FLUXCOM |
date_modified | 2022-10-17 22:14:30.401506 |
description | FLUXCOM |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.87499928049999 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.8750000005 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.87499856049996 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.8750000005 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Terrestrial Ecosystem Respiration |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | TER |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, Downsampling to 0.25 deg with mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | |
standard_name | ecosystem_respiration_carbon_flux |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2020-12-30T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 2001-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | g C m^-2 d^-1 |
Field | Value |
acknowledgment | |
date_modified | 2022-10-11 16:47:36.234042 |
description | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) v3.6a |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | -0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
long_name | Transpiration |
original_add_offset | 0.0 |
original_name | Et |
original_scale_factor | 1.0 |
processing_steps | Merging nc files, resampling by 8-day mean |
project | DeepESDL |
references |, |
reported_day | 5.0 |
source | GLEAM v3.6a, |
standard_name | transpiration |
temporal_resolution | 8D |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1980-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
units | mm d^-1 |
Full dataset metadata#
Field | Value |
Conventions | CF-1.9 |
acknowledgment | All ESDC data providers are acknowledged inside each variable |
contributor_name | University of Leipzig, Max Planck Institute, Brockmann Consult GmbH |
contributor_url |,, |
creator_name | University of Leipzig, Brockmann Consult GmbH |
creator_url |, |
date_modified | 2022-11-25 23:13:03.350030 |
geospatial_lat_max | 89.875 |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.875 |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.25 |
geospatial_lon_max | 179.875 |
geospatial_lon_min | -179.875 |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.25 |
id | esdc-8d-0.25deg-256x128x128-3.0.1 |
license | Terms and conditions of the DeepESDL data distribution |
project | DeepESDL |
publisher_name | DeepESDL Team |
publisher_url | |
time_coverage_end | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_coverage_start | 1979-01-05T00:00:00.000000000 |
time_period | 8D |
time_period_reported_day | 5.0 |
title | Earth System Data Cube (ESDC) v3.0.1 |