DeepESDL Hub#
The DeepESDL Hub is based on the existing software named EOxHub, which is also used to power, e.g., the EuroDataCube (EDC) Marketplace as well as the EDC EOxHub Workspace.
EOxHub is a platform and workflow management runtime for Earth Observation services and apps. EOxHub can be branded to provide the DeepESDL Hub & Marketplace and be deployed on any cloud offering a managed Kubernetes service. The designated cloud for DeepESDL, Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the Europe Frankfurt region, fulfils this requirement with the managed Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Technically EOxHub is split into the Control Plane and the Worker Plane. The Worker Plane is where all workloads from users are run at runtime. The Control Plane is configured to provide the following:
- User Management
- Access control
- User Workspaces (Tenants)
- Workspace Dashboard
- Service subscription management
- Marketplace
- Allocation functions for cloud resources and Data Services
- Deployment service
- Workload management functions
- Docker Image administration/assignment
- Example notebook catalogue supporting user contributions
- Automated verification of example notebooks
- Accounting and billing (voucher handling)
Deploying user workloads on the Worker Plane is performed on configured autoscaling groups using the managed Elastic Container Service (ECS) of AWS. This setup ensures, that only actually required resources are used and thus need to be paid.
The figure above shows the App deployment in user Workspaces. The sequence of steps is: The App or Notebook Developer pushes the App source code to the Code Management tool, adds the App as Docker image, and registers the App at the Marketplace. The App Consumer discovers and requests the App and triggers the deployment of the App to use it to their workspace to be run on the cloud infrastructure. The App is now available to be used by the Consumer within the resources provided in their workspace subscription.
EOxHub is extended in two ways to provide the DeepESDL Collaborative Development Tools:
- Extended support for teams as part of the multi-user plan. Allow for easier sharing of versioned notebooks and other artifacts within the team but not necessarily the public.
- Integrated support for Machine Learning (ML) workflows. This includes the versioning, sharing, and collaborative using of all ML artifacts like code, data, models, results, etc. Based on user feedback, the readily available Open-Source tools like Data Version Control (DVC), MLflow, Kubeflow, or similar, will be integrated during the project.