xcube Data Stores#
The xcube data stores Framework is described in detail in the xcube documentation. In this section, the currently available data stores are presented with an example for each of them. For more detailed examples, please refer to the getting started notebook section of the jupyterlab user guide.
- DeepESDL public datasets
- xcube CMEMS data store
- xcube ESA CCI data store
- xcube Sentinel Hub data store
- xcube Copernicus Climate Change Service data store
DeepESDL datasets in public object storage#
The DeepESDL Consortium provides a growing number of datasets which are made analysis-ready and persisted in public object storage for easy access. An overview of available persisted datasets is given section datasets.
To access the DeepESDL persisted datasets, please follow the example:
Initializing the xcube datastore for s3 object storage:
from xcube.core.store import new_data_store
store = new_data_store("s3",
List all available datasets:
To open a certain dataset, please replace the path with the path to the
desired dataset, which was listed in store.list_data_ids()
dataset = store.open_data('black-sea-1x1024x1024.zarr')
Contribute datacubes to the public#
If you have created your own dataset and wish to make it available to the public in the deep-esdl-public cloud bucket, that's fantastic! For onboarding new data cubes to deep-esdl-public, you need to make sure your dataset creation is documented and reproducible, and that the documentation is accessible. This can be e.g. your own GitHub repository, or you could contribute to the DeepESDL cube-gen repository.
xcube CMEMS data store#
The xcube Copernicus Marine Data Store (CMEMS) data store allows for reading and exploring data from the Copernicus Marine Data Store.
A user login is required to access the data provided by CMEMS. If you do not have cmems user yet, you can register for an account. For DeepESDL Jupyter Lab default credentials are configured, but due to bandwidth limitation by CMEMS performance may impair when used by several people simultaneously.
To use your own CMEMS account:
# replace with your user name and pwd
Initializing the xcube data store for CMEMS:
from xcube.core.store import new_data_store
store = new_data_store('cmems')
If you use your own CMEMS account:
# store = new_data_store('cmems',
# cmems_user=cmemsuser,
# cmems_user_password = cmemspwd)
# store = new_data_store('cmems')
List all available datasets:
To open a certain dataset, please replace the path with the path to the
desired dataset, which was listed in store.list_data_ids()
dataset = store.open_data('dataset-bal-reanalysis-wav-hourly',
xcube ESA CCI data store#
The xcube ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) data store allows for reading and exploring data from the ESA Climate Change Initiative. More information on the data sets offered can be found in the Open Data Portal.
Initializing the xcube data store for CCI:
from xcube.core.store import new_data_store
store = new_data_store('cciodp')
The cci data store offers many datasets, therefore listing all available ones will reveal a long list of results. The store can thus be searched by specific parameters, which can be listed:
A target data set can then be be opened following the below schema
example below:
dataset = store.open_data('esacci.SST.day.L4.SSTdepth.multi-sensor.multi-platform.OSTIA.2-1.sst',
xcube Sentinel Hub data store#
The xcube Sentinel Hub (SH) data store allows for reading and exploring data provided by the Sentinel Hub cloud API.
Please note: In order to access data from the commercial Sentinel Hub service, you need Sentinel Hub API credentials.
DeepESDL users may apply for sponsored Sentinel Hub subscriptions - please contact the DeepESDL team or directly appy via the Network of Resources portal.
Initializing the xcube data store for Sentinel Hub:
from xcube.core.store import new_data_store
store = new_data_store('sentinelhub', num_retries=400)
The Sentinel Hub xcube data store offers different datasets which are accessible via data ids:
For requesting Sentinel Hub data subsetting is crucial. In the below example a Sentinel-2 L2A is requested.
dataset = store.open_data('S2L2A',
bbox=[9.7, 53.4, 10.2, 53.7],
tile_size= [1024, 1024])
xcube Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) data store#
The xcube Climate Data Store (CDS) allows to read and explore temperature data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).
To access data from the Climate Data Store, you need a CDS API key. You can obtain the UID and API key as follows:
- Create a user account on the CDS Website.
- Log in to the website with your user name and password.
- Navigate to your user profile on the website. Your API key is shown at the bottom of the page.
Then export the CDSAPI_URL
environment variables,
replacing [UID]
and [API-KEY]
with the actual values from your account:
export CDSAPI_URL=https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/v2
For DeepESDL Jupyter Lab default credentials are configured, but due to bandwidth limitation by CDS performance may impair when used by several people simultaneously.
Initializing the xcube data store for C3S:
from xcube.core.store import new_data_store
store = new_data_store('cds')
List all available datasets:
Get more info about a specific dataset. This includes a description of the possible open formats:
There are 4 required parameters, so we need to provide them to open a dataset:
dataset = store.open_data('reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means:monthly_averaged_reanalysis',
bbox=[-10, 45, 40, 65],
time_range=['2001-01-01', '2010-12-31'])
Contribute a xcube plugin for a new data store#
Do you have an API or a data source which you wish to make available via the xcube data stores framework? We would be very happy if you like to contribute to the open source xcube software ecosystem! The xcube data stores framework is described in detail in the xcube documentation. There you can have a look at the details of what is mandatory for a data store. Furthermore, you can get inspiration from existing data store plugins: - xcube-cds - xcube-cci - xcube-cmems - xcube-sh
In case of questions, please feel free to reach out to us! We will give our best to support you :)